First launching of the Child-Tracker PRO application version 1.6.179 and newer

Video: Installation 1.6.179 on Samsung A20S Android 11

Video: Installation on Samsung A6+ Android 10

Video: Installation on Samsung J8+ Android 8

Video: Installation on Xiaomi Mi A2 lite Android 10

1. Install the AndroidPRO_1.6.179.apk file.

Here is no Open command. Click Done

2. To launch the application, open Settings of the phone, Accessibility

3. Choose the Installed services group

4. Click the System Android application. 

5. Switch the System Android on. 

6. Click Allow in the warning window

7. Click the Settings button

8. Click the Activate application button.

If Android 14

In Android 14, a new feature in the Accessibility section appeared. Now, only allowed applications can be switched on in Accessibility.
System Android is not permitted by default.
  • Open Settings, Applications, and System Android. Menu. Allow restricted settings. Confirm it using your password or fingerprint.
  • Open Settings, Accessibility. System Android → on.
  • Do the same for Support Android if necessary.

9. Here you need to provide the access to all necessary phone resources.

10. Here you have to click all these buttons from the top to the bottom to configure and connect the application to your account. Click Allow usage data access.

Allow access for the System Android.

11. Go back and click the Allow Administration access button.

Activate it in the settings of the device.

12. Click the Test Screenshot button.

Check on the option  not to ask again and click Start.

Note: If you see a message as in the screenshot below, it means that this phone will inform the user every time, that the Child-Tracker PRO tries to take a screenshot.

To ensure the confidentiality, it is recommended to disable the screenshot creation on this phone. You can do this from the server side on the Settings page.

13. The Test Screenshot button remains to be on the screen. It is ok.

Click the Callback setup button

Enter your phone number and click Test call.

If appears a question like "choose application to perform a call", select the Phone application and click Always.

14. If you want to record passwords, click the "Install Android Keyboard" button

Click here to get known how to record passwords with Android keyboard.

15. Go back and click the "Install Support Android" button.

The system will ask you whether you allow installation applications from this source. Click Settings.

Allow installation.

Click Install

16. Go back and click the Activate Support Android and System Android button.

Turn on Support Android and System Android in phone settings / Accessibility.

If Accessibility is not allowed for Support Android, you need to do the following:

  • Open Settings, Applications, System Android. Menu. Allow restricted settings. Confirm it using your password or fingerprint.
  • Open Settings, Accessibility. Support Android -> on.
  • 17. Go back and allow System Android and Support Android programs to run on top of other programs

    18. Allow the System Android program not to save battery power

    19. Go back and click the Notification Access button.

    Allow the System Android app to access notifications

    20. Go back and click the Connect to Server button.

    Select "Your account".

    Enter your email address and click OK.

    A new device ID will appear in this field.

    21. Click Prevent to launch this activity.

    The icon of System Android will never appear on the screen.

    22. Two modules with the names System Android and Support Android appeared in the list of installed programs. It will be impossible to remove them while the Support Android program is active in Settings / Accessibility.